Wednesday, 22 April 2015

The Learning Scenarios [Module 2.1]

I understood learning scenario as a certain kind of model, which you can apply on different subjects and age groups. It´s a sort of pedagogical pattern which one can reshape in order to make it fit in one’s own purposes. My own scenarios are not so sophisticated as the model introduced in the video, but those basically include the same phrases

My typical scenario includes some sort of warm up or general discussion about subject (dreaming) and then students have to do some output which they will share to each other (phases explore, map, make and show). For example students will produce a mind map and post it to Moodle forum and then they can comment each other’s works. While students are creating the output - for instance mentioned mind map - I usually observe and conduct the students’ work. So there is a kind of “ask” and “remake” phases included as well.

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